Cheap Car Hire Muswellbrook

Car Rental

Muswellbrook Rental Vehicle Comparison

Hire Car Hero can help you arrange cheap car rental in Australia. It is a comparison website, which arranges Muswellbrook car rental in Australia. Tourists can use the interactive website for booking a car from car hire Muswellbrook. The whole booking procedure is easy and simple to complete. Your cheap car rental in Muswellbrook does not charge any fees for bookings. Tourists do not need to use their credit online for cheap Muswellbrook car hire. The whole booking procedure can take only two minutes to complete. Tourists need to write their personal details in an online form. On the form, there are options for name, address, nationality, contact information, booking date, delivery date and pick up place. When booking is completed tourists will review a confirmation. It is a good idea to rent a car in Muswellbrook. Car rental price includes GST, charges for vehicle registration, costs associated with recovering your vehicle, airport tax and insurance fees. Muswellbrook rental car has no hidden fees. It is a good idea to hire a car from the city center instead of from the airport. If you pick up a car from the airport, you will have to pay a higher rate. There are no other hidden fees. Tourists do not have to pay extra payment for petrol, baby seats, ski racks and GPS. Most of the drivers of Muswellbrook hire cars are young and energetic, but will have to pay a premium if under 25.


About Muswellbrook

Muswellbrook is a town. You will find the town located in the region known as Upper Hunter in NSW, Australia. It is found about 243 kilometres north of Sydney and 127 kilometres north-west of Newcastle. The Wanaruah and Kamilaroi people occupied this area before Europeans settled here. Chief Constable John Howe discovered this area in 1819. The first white settlers started arriving here from the 1820s. Muswellbrook was enrolled as a town in 1833. Forbestown was set up by the sons of Francis Forbes in 1842. According to the report, the total population of this city is about 15,791 people. Muswellbrook is situated in the northern section of the Sydney basin. This place is famous for horse breeding and coal mining. It is also famous for its wine and gourmet food There are two coal-fuelled power stations in this area referred to as Liddell and Bayswater. The two power stations were commissioned in 1973 and mid 1980s where about 500 people live. Muswellbrook is situated at the junction of the Main Northern railway line and the Merriwa line. It is an important railway junction for transporting coal from one place to another. The New England Highway passes through this town. Muswellbrook railway station is situated in this town.


Things to see in Muswellbrook

Muswellbrook Regional Arts Centre
Muswellbrook Regional Arts Centre is situated on the New England Highway. It is a three-hour drive away from north-west Sydney and a two-hour drive away from Newcastle. The town of Muswellbrook is famous for vineyards, coal mining, farming, and the horse industry. There is an Arts Center in this region that was established in 1976. The Arts Centre is a regional gallery famous for travelling and static exhibitions and art prizes.

Lake Liddell
Lake Liddell is located 15 kilometers south of Muswellbrook close to the New England Highway. The area of Lake Liddell is about 1,133 hectares. It is famous for recreational boating and fishing. There are opportunities for lunch aboard a boat. Lake Liddell is also famous for its bird sanctuary, a picnic and barbeque area, an oval, tennis courts, ample parking, kiosk and toilets and showers.

Hunter Belle Cheese
Hunter Belle Cheese is a creamy camembert. Many tourists visit the licensed cafĂ© for breakfast or a seasonal lunch featuring premium Hunter Belle’s cheeses served with tasty wines made locally or freshly brewed coffee. Hunter Belle Cheese is handmade with the finest milk from local Brown Swiss Cows. It also has gourmet yoghurts and marinated Feta that are tasty and delicious.
